Kaiju Assault: Go-Go-Goliath!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StayOnTheLeader · 2107

There’s a couple of themes here.

Firstly, the finish: you’re looking for Goliath to make him a 5ATK ally then ready him multiple times with Get Ready and Inspiring Presence (you need Inspiring Presence for the heal so Goliath doesn’t die to his consequential damage after 2 attacks).

Gasp in awe as your Kaiju-sized Goliath levels a small town, doing 15 damage in one turn! Meanwhile Hawkeye is always watching, always waiting, stocking a quiver full of Vibranium arrows ready to follow Goliath in a final frenzy of violence!

Secondly, the defence: there are four permanents to help you play Mockingbird as conveniently as possible and prevent all the damage coming into Hawkeye while your build to your big strike. Team Building Exercise, Quincarrier, Helicarrier and Avengers Tower all make it easier to keep the Mockingbird recursion coming.

The rest is just there to help support you while the theme pieces assemble - you’ve got Hawkeye’s array of disruptive arrow shots, Call for Aid to find Mockingbird or Goliath faster, and Make The Call and some other ally meat shields to keep you in the game while you build up.