Spider-Man Justice. Solo or Team.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gorham19k · 1

I love Spiderman and I feel this deck embodies him quite well. I'm undefeated with this deck solo and have found when partnered with my bestfriends Dr. Strange Protection deck, we are pretty much unstoppable. I'll post the Protection deck as well.

Goals for this deck is to pass over your strong attacks early and get out all of your support/upgrades. Aunt May saves the day non stop and Black Cat is great for doing non stop 1 damage the whole game. I try to get her out ASAP as she helps me ping all minions and constantly hit the villain. The amount of possible thwart in this deck while being able to swing hard makes this a great solo deck and just all around fun deck to play with!

Let me know what you think!