Black Cat kekw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lynn2thicc · 2

Heavy mulligan for black cat or call for aid. Can remove hawkeye and ronin for maximum black cat efficiency but they're there so your upgrades can target other allies and hawkeye is very good at clearing mobs. Get ready is free black cat attacks for only 1 card. Want as much of your turns as spiderman to prevent the villain from scheming so your base spiderman threat removal can delay the game long enough to bum rush the villain with Black cat.


Nov 14, 2020 L3w15 7 · 11173

Nice deck idea, however call for aid does not search for black cat as black cat is not an avenger. I would consider adding iron man (more upgrade synergy) and make the call (get back black cat if you discard her with call for aid).