Hulk protects but won’t defend

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

fellowpt · 1

The idea for this deck came to me after watching the Team Covenant stream running Ant-Man Leadership and Protection Hulk against Kang. The bottom line was Hulk wants to stay standing and not defend so therefore Protection isn’t a good aspect for him. I decided to see what a protection deck could look like that mitigates damage without Hulk needing to defend. So, this deck is meant to be run in multiplayer. The lack of any meaningful threat removal will mean you’re in a foot race to beat the villain before they achieve their main scheme in solo mode. This deck runs 13 protection cards and aside from Clea for a low cost recurring ally and 2 copies of POP, all other protection cards allow Hulk to do what he does best, deal out damage. 3 copies of Energy Barrier and Momentum Swing allows Hulk to heal/reduce damage taken while dealing damage, allowing him to remain in Hero form longer. Additionally, Tackle will easily trigger its 3 damage for spending a physical resource while stunning the villain, once again allowing Hulk to stay in Hero mode. The rest of the deck provide Hulk a board state which can provide extra cards (Avengers Mansion, Assess the Situation), cost reductions (Helicarrier, Resourceful, Quincarrier), and a Night Nurse to deal with any unwanted stun conditions. I’ve only played this deck a couple of times but did what it was meant to do against standard and expert Crossbones with Ant-Man taking on threat and weapon removal duties.