Iron Man Leadership Giant Man/Team Work Repulsor Blast

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nuvasx · 28

Giantman and teamwork with repulsor blast


Nov 14, 2020 Lightningjak · 19

Great Deck - feels like “Blue” Aggression

Jan 02, 2021 Saalis_the_Second · 17

Enjoyed this one, the setup was long, but in the end 20+ DMG was easy. Replaced one quinjet with Quincarrier as I was lacking mental resources to get me Aerial. Played against Mutagen formula, damaged 7 goblins in a turn. Co-She-hulk sent all the 1 HP minions to discard hell with Ground Stomp. F.U.N.