Bishop 3:10 to Geonosha

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nitz · 7

3:10 to Geonosha is a deck designed to leverage Bishop's amazing upgrades in the form of his Rifle and Uniform.

The deck is original though probably not unique (I honestly haven't looked), I do need to give a shout out to L3w15 7 for their Scarlet Witch Turbo draw deck which got me to see the potential in a deck playing very few aspect cards.

The basic plan of this deck is to face-tank as much damage as possible, and then use Bishop's hero power to flood our hand with energy, then tap Bishop's uniform to heal back or even above Bishop's life total prior to the attack. Once the game gets going, Bishop should be drawing massive amounts of energy into his hand each turn allowing him to heal up any damage he takes. Remember, the uniform exhausts but the hero ability does not, so if you are going to take damage from the Villain and from a minion, save the heal until after the minion attacks you to improve you chance to draw more energy cards.

All this extra energy means the card needs some resource sinks. Outside of Bishop's super-charged cards, and events that benefit from an energy card, I've included three steps ahead and then some allies I'll address down below.

Sharpshooter is in the deck for three reasons, which I'll detail from least impactful to most. First, any upgrade/scheme/ally is a card I can get out of my deck to improve my energy draw. 2nd, Bishop's uniform and to a lesser extend Rifle are such key cards, having other upgrades to discard to upgrade hate is crucial. Finally, when looking for a "discard in case of emergency" upgrade, I went specifically with sharpshooter because it has some nice synergy with Bishop's rifle and the fact that the deck has 6 cards with 2 resources on the card.

Allies - you could always salt to taste with your own choices or with the new hotness, but here' what I've been running

Captain Britain - his cost is high, but I consider him an energy sink with all the resources I have. Plus, I've found often his 3 thwart/attack is just so critical in key moments. I often will just let him sit out and only use him for minions/side schemes while also thinning my deck, but if I do need him to hit the villain or main scheme, the extra consequential damage is fine and I don't have trouble paying for him again later.

Husk - Also expensive, but a great resource sink as the game progresses.

Legion - a little anti-synergy with Bishop's kit having 2 wilds, but I tried to limit my wilds overall in energy selection. Could be cut, but very useful anytime (75% of the time) his ability hits.

Lockjaw - Resource sink. I'm almost always using him to pay for a card and then use my resources to pay for him from the discard pile later. Also great b/c Bishop will discard cards looking for energy when he is damaged, which I plan to do every turn. I don't mind him being discarded, and that 2 thwart/attack on a stick in my discard pile is great insurance.

Anyway, I have absolutely had a blast playing this deck and have found it to be very strong. I play a lot of solo, but am also using it with two players. Hope you enjoy it.


Mar 13, 2025 Piratecalvin · 1

Cool deck! I'm gonna try this one out.