Black Widow: I Have A Card For That

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TBirdASDF · 1

DISCLAIMER: I'll put this on all my decks, but I want to inform any readers that I play this game exclusively with 4 players on Expert. As such, I can't say for certain how this deck would perform with less players or solo. I imagine it would do fine on Standard difficulty, but it may be less fun on Standard as the threat level is lower.

Also on all my decks, you'll notice I run 2x Avengers Mansion and 2x Helicarrier. I do this as I typically mulligan hard for these cards and try to establish them early, along with hero-specific Resource cards. While some may see the extra as dead cards later when they are drawn, I look at it as a "free resource I don't have to think about."

On to the deck!

This deck, as you can probably tell by looking at it, is meant to support the other players and protect them in every way other than actually defending them from attacks. It is also primarily a thwarting deck, relying on your teammates to do the heavy lifting damage-wise.

You definitely need to have a support mindset for this deck as you will not be the star of the show. You will, however, have a card or ability to use in almost every situation that arises, hence the deck name. You'll also do heavy thwarting with Justice cards, so while you may not put up big damage numbers, you will be will be keeping the schemes in check.

The strategy of the deck is rather straightforward. Try to get your engine cards out early (Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Black Widow's Gauntlet, Safe House #29), then build up a healthy supply of upgrades that you can use when needed. I prioritize Target Acquired, Grappling Hook, and Counterintelligence to prevent potential disaster situations, then Spycraft and Espionage if you have the resources for them.

Espionage is a very interesting card as it allows you to rebuild quickly if needed. In some Expert games (Ultron in particular) you may find yourself using all your upgrades in one turn to prevent the Villain from Overwhelming you. When that happens, you're almost hoping for a Surge card to be revealed as using Espionage lets you get a bigger hand for next turn to rebuild your Upgrades. You'll get hit by the Surge, which can be brutal, but hopefully you can stabilize next turn.

In the games I've played with this deck I've found myself using her damage cards (Dance of Death, Attacrobatics) as resources more often than not. It feels bad when the Thor next to you is smashing for damage, but rest assured knowing that the game wouldn't last as long without you playing defense.

The Allies in the deck serve the thwart/defense nature of the deck, as well as provide some necessary meat shields for Black Widow. With 9 hit points an unfortunately timed hit from the Villain can put you dangerously low, so feel free to throw your Allies in front when necessary.