Hawkeye - Arrows of Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rayvern · 39

The name of the game here is Deck Thinning until it's pretty much just resources, arrows and allies.

Early game is spent either in Alter Ego or with Allies as blockers - using Coulson and Counterintelligence to limit threat adds as much as possible. This time is primarily focused on building board state and maintaining control of the scheme.

Late game the focus shifts to a more constant hero mode, as the Arrow events needed to control the Villain are more prevalent. Defensive gaps (where the villain isn't stunned) should still be filled by Allies, though Mockingbird's damage nulling becomes the better choice.

Shift focus towards multiplayer by stripping out the EMH, a Beat Cop and potentially Quake to run an additional Skilled Investigator. With the last two spots filled with your choice of down time, Endurance or Heroic Intuitions (depending on whom the other heroes are).