Captain America: Justice Will Reign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mr. Marvel · 1

Overview - Get these cards out as soon as possible and deviate only when absolutely necessary... Super-Soldier Serum, and Helicarrier/Quincarrier, as well as any allies you can.

Seriously, dump anything that's not these cards until you have these three set-up. Don’t worry about dealing damage just yet. Cap can defend or soak it up in the meantime and then recover - you’ll be fine.

Almost every game I will have all of these and generally MOST of my allies (save for one-and-done Nick Fury) in play and at that point what I’m cycling through my deck is various ways to punch the villain in the face. By the end you will deal 10 - 20 damage in one turn pretty routinely. You’re hitting once with Cap’s basic attack, “I can do this all day,” hitting again with your basic attack, hitting with an attack card for free because of your set-up cards in play, hitting with another attack card using resources in hand, and then, if you still need that extra damage, hitting with your allies.

Meanwhile your Beat Cops will keep the threat at bay. Only use them for taking out minions if you absolutely need to or, if you’re like me, you want to make sure EVERY villain is defeated that last round. Honestly, I’ve heard very convincing arguments that Beat Cop is not an overpowered card, but this deck makes me think it might be. Maybe it’s just the way the deck is built or played but those cops are always my first line of defense against threat. Until you get one or two out, use allies, For Justice!, or Cap’s basic thwarting ability.

As of right now this deck has proven against the following and I’ll continue to update this...

Expert Rhino,

Expert Klaw,

Expert Ultron

Expert Norman Osborn: Risky Business

Expert Green Goblin: Mutagen Formula

I’m open to feedback too and would love to see what changes people would make and how they work out!