Magneto - THP Genesis

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 4340

All decks labelled as "THP Genesis" are part of a list of decks that can all be built at the same time, using the available card copies in the cardpool. This is a way for me to enjoy quickly grabbing a deck of any hero to play at any time. It also gave me a challenge of not having the big staple cards to include in each build and utilising the majority of the cardpool for maximal variety. More will be added to Marvel CDB soon for anyone interested.


Feb 03, 2025 underthewronghat · 41

Awesome! I do the same thing. It's not easy. How did you add basic double resource cards to his deck? Did you pull them from an over-resourced hero? I love the challenge of making "bad" cards work. I used Emergency in Gamora's deck because it triggers on the villain phase, it triggers her hero ability (once per phase), and it's cheap. Right now I'm trying a "no ally" Quicksilver protection build, in order to shift some allies around. Plus I love the problem of occasionally "Swapping" aspects. I swapped Spiderman into protection and Vision into justice. Great swap. I'll be looking for your deck ideas.

Feb 03, 2025 Michaelangelo · 4340

@underthewronghat Thanks for your comment. Cool to see others enjoying this type of approach. I fully agree that making "bad" cards work is such a fun challenge. Emergency is a good call. I took for instance Invulnerability in Colossus or Tenacity in Quicksilver. For you question on resources, indeed. Some heroes didn't need them as they are already so rich, or others I built with so few cards above 1-cost that the doubles even do not make sense (X-23 for example). It freed up some doubles.