Card draw simulator
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RainYupa · 93
This Hulk deck is designed to stay in Hero form as much of the game as possible. It takes advantage of Hulk's massive hit point pool and high recovery to get back to Smashing as soon as possible!
The core function of the deck is to stay in Alter-Ego as little as possible. Banner's Laboratory and Down Time give a Recovery of 8, and Recuperation plus a basic recovery can restore 16 of Hulk's 22 hit points! If you're lucky, you can time a flip to get Ingenuity in play too, in case you're short an occasional resource. This is designed for Multiplayer and there's plenty of physical resources already, so I opted for the non-unique Ingenuity over Quincarrier to support allies Warlock and Black Widow; one helps with tough status or thwart support, while the other gives the board a potential untimely encounter card.
While in hero form, Hulk uses Momentum Shift and What Doesn't Kill Me to keep his hit points up to minimize flips. If he needs to help with thwarting, let the villain get an extra hit in with a Bait and Switch. He can also absorb unwanted treacheries like Advance with Get Behind Me! since he has the hit points to spare.
Hulk is the strongest one there is!
This deck looks awesome! So many physical resources. I am consistently impressed with how you manage to make fun and unique decks for every hero that stay put together at all times.