Card draw simulator
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MaNemJeff · 31
I would like to present a deck I have constructed featuring Deadpool and a leadership strategy centered around Mutant Mayhem and Children of the Atom. This combination proves effective as Children of the Atom allows all your X-Men, X-Factor, and X-Force characters to be treated as one. The primary objective is to enable Deadpool to become more prepared by utilizing Utopia. Once everything is established, you will be able to align your X-Power for significant damage. I have included New Recruits, as they allow you to acquire an ally suited for the task at hand, depending on the circumstances. All allies from that player's side scheme receive +2 attack and +2 thwart. I particularly favor Indra due to the additional 2 hit points, and if you have Uncanny X-Men in play, it provides another opportunity for thwarting or attacking. A decisive strategy I employ involves maximizing Cable's potential through acceleration icons and bringing Cyclops into play to enhance damage output. Additionally, you can recycle your heroes using Mutant Mayhem; for instance, exhaust all characters, then play Mutant Mayhem to return them to your hand and re-deploy them. Cyclops will add an extra +1 to the villain during that phase, allowing for another attack. With Children of the Atom, all characters share the same traits; however, if you do not have Cable, he is X-Force and Cyclops is X-Men, making it a legal play. You might also consider adding an X-Force Recruit to Deadpool, so if Children of the Atom is inactive, he can still benefit as an X-Men character. Mutant Education is advantageous for Deadpool, as it enables us to target the necessary cards, whether it be Exhausting Personality or any other card we may require, such as Yoohoo or Maximum Effort. Face the past is amazing for Deadpool why? Free resource and a ready up Butler is not an issue. You don't like free money? I hope you have the opportunity to test this out; I invested considerable effort in finding the right synergy for this deck, but as with any card deck, there is always room for feedback. It is time to accelerate!
Come say hi when Im streaming or on my Youtube Channel
looks like a fun deck! I'll check out your videos of you playing it!