Captain America, the man that can multitask

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

McMackey · 1

I had a Captain America deck wich I used in a 4 player game defeating the Sinister Six expert campaign. Solo I had big trouble defeating Zola on standard. Took this deck out to see how it handles against Zola. I defeated Zola twice. This deck had 50 or close to 50 card. I was confident I could take on Red Skull with this deck. I had never played him before and how wrong was I.

I got some experience with Hulk (great plays with Justice and Protection) carrying a small deck with only 40 card. So I slimmed my Captain America deck so I could get more use of better card.

Slimming my deck to the list from this deck. First thing, get out Super Soldier Serum and your helicarrier. Anything else with 3 or more costs, discard. Play allies with only two cost, Maria Hill, Wonder Man, Squirrel Grill, the can defend for you, and help you with tread reduction. Wonder Man can take care of a minion. Whenever you have Fearless Determination, I play it immediately and try to get the most out of thwarting.

Once set, try to get Nick Furry in play as much as possible. Use Make the Call and Rapid Response to bring him back in to play. In mid game, take the 3 cards as much as you can, only use his damage or thwarting ability in case of emergency. Make the Call for squirrel girl is also a good option when there is one or more though card in play.

Once you're set up, take down the villain using Heroic Strike. Make sure you've got 1 Super-Soldier Serum left to get the villain stunned as well.

For now, I will dive into The Rise Of Red Skull campaign using this deck. If there are changes, I will post them.