Captain Marvel - The Best Shot We've Got

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Markzilla · 47

Concept: Stay in alter-ego, amassing tons of resources and controlling the main scheme with allies until you can use Energy Channel and Photonic Blast for massive damage.

Game plan: Play Avenger's Mansion or Alpha Flight Station immediately, the card draw engine is driving the rest of the deck. There's a 94.7% chance of seeing one by turn 2 if you hard mulligan for them. Use Meditation to play allies throughout the game to keep the board (especially the main scheme) under control. Play Energy Channel whenever it won't destroy the rest of your turn as you can throw any spare energy resources into it as damage. Exhaust priority in alter ego form is Meditation > Disguise> Recovery in the early game, with higher recovery priority as the game goes on so you can flip to hero form more.

Ideal turn: A fully-charged Energy Channel into multiple Photonic Blasts for 20+ damage in one turn.

Worst case scenario: You're caught in hero form early or mid-game without an ally to block. Use Cosmic Flight liberally to block damage, since you ideally want to be using your alter-ego exhaust to play more allies.

Card choices: Triple Avenger's Mansion is needed to get as close to guaranteeing card draw from early turns. An 8+ card hand ensures you'll almost never have a bad turn.

Hope Summers helps to pull Energy Channel from the deck and play it in the same turn.

Storm is still worth it at full price as she can thwart 4 from a scheme onto a player side scheme or low priority side scheme.

Quasar costs 3 and helps clean up the 1 threat that could be left over with a deck of 2-threat removals.

Foiled! is an efficient way to keep the main scheme under control using this deck's least important resource, individual hand cards.

Flex Slots: Banshee or Quake for Jessica Jones if you need more large single thwarts.

Followed for other utility cards with energy resources, since it's high efficiency but doesn't always have a target.


Jan 06, 2025 Xou · 72

I like playing this kind of justice decks with Pulse Grenade that can bring you immediate damage when needed or being saved for the big turn with lay the trap + followed.