Multiplayer Identity Buffer (M.I.B.)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 182

Greetings fellow multiplayer!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if one deck was focused solely on improving the abilities of others?

I know I have.

That's why, today, you have come to see what I have come to present as my first, and hopefully most influential step into the spirit of giving. You see, even though the holidays have come and gone in a season, our hearts still hold onto that loving feeling.

In this deck list you will find the most basic approach to building a deck around a specific theme that also ties in with a specific card text. I wanted to have practically unlimited opportunities to improve the board state for a team of 2-4 players.

This hasn't been tested or approved by anyone. So, if you don't want to be part of the challenge, I understand. I admit I would be well outside my own comfort zone as to build and run a deck as focused as this one.

It's not every day you can select the tabs marked "Aggression", "Justice", and "Upgrade", then type "x:under" in the filter, but today, I did it and I have yet to regret it. Someday, once the hustle and bustle surrounding the controversy of this deck list has died down, I just may change "Aggression" to "Leadership" and "Justice" to "Protection"

But if I don't, who will? and will they be sure to put this deck in the text box labeled "Derived from (copy id or address of the deck list this one is inspired from)"?

Only time will tell!