Doctor Strange Dips into the Pool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

w4rp3nguin · 1

When going through decks on here, I found one which said something along the lines of "when I build a deck, I try to build around the strength of the hero kit". Dr Strange being the first hero I got and still one of my favourite ones, I started to build my own deck which focuses on doing exactly that.

The goal of the deck is to be flexible enough and letting you use your Dr Strange side deck as often as possible. The Pool aspect is great here, not only providing you with a resource option which really carries when you are at full HP, but also provides passive healing - and more importantly - another ready option. Dr Strange being a Mystic provides great card options that play into the draw and flexibility angle. It is not uncommon to have like 10 cards on your hand once you have played all the draw available to you in a round.

The Allies are exchangeable, except for Nick and Ironheart.