Nightcrawler's Suicide Squad

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dfreak06 · 2

Hello my fellow Marvel Champions enthusiasts,

Very happy to share my first deck with you all.

I'll start by saying I love Nightcrawler, but he's not perfect. After the first few games, I realized that he's clunkier than I would have thought. I tried different aspects, and so far, my favorite is Protection, but this one is a close second. Still not perfect, but the general idea is great.

My main issue with Nightcrawler is that you mainly play only one Bamf! in your turn, unless you're lucky enough to start with one in your hand.

Nightcrawler Variant Cover

So with this issue in mind, I realize that Daytripper may be the answer. The idea is to recur Daytripper as often as possible with Rapid Response and Make the Call. And while using those two cards, why not abuse the "when enters play" effects? The cards with the highest stats can be used to their fullest and brought back with Rapid Response, while the lowest cost/stats cards with neat effects can be sacrificed with Last Stand and brought back with Make the Call, since Nightcrawler doesn't really need chunk blockers.

The X-Jet is mainly used to bring back a copy of Bamf! without thinning your hand. Kurt's Cutlasses give you very nice stats, and with Nightcrawler's ability, it's very likely you'll start ready on your turn (in solo). So, I included 2 copies of Go All Out and 1 copy of Push Ahead to be able to do a big chunk of damage or thwart

Priority mulligan

-Kurt's Cutlasses (gives you nice stats and retaliate for the pesky tough statuses)

-The X-Jet for a generator for Bamf!

-Daytripper (Good stats, free Bamf! and even if you don't have Rapid Response yet, once she enters the discard pile she become a nice target for Make the Call).

Video Thumbnail

Most of the allies are pretty much self-explanatory. They're either expensive with a great value or cheap but nice effects and ready to sacrifice for the greater good. But my Biggest surprise is Gambit. Not only his stats can be very good but it gives you information on what its coming. You can even decide to drop his stats just to remove a nasty card in the encounter deck. If his stats are bad just sacrifice him with Last Standand recur him later but be sure to remember his name...


Hope you enjoy.