Hulk THWART! (clone)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dathzone · 2

Hulk still Smash, but Hulk will Thwart if Hulk asked nicely!

You never HAVE to thwart, but due to the nature of Hulk discarding his hand all the time, he is built to Ready, Ready, Ready and potentially will hit for 9 per turn. You can change gears at any time to start thwarting fairly effectively, and dealing 10+ damage with Hulk Smash and The Direct Approach will end side schemes in a pinch.

I'm sure things can be made more efficient, but it runs pretty well in testing. Might need more resource generators, like 2x more Enhanced Physique or Quincarrier.

Just keep smashing until you get your resource and card advantage spells, then pay for the more $$ cards on the next go around. You will cycle through your deck in about 10-12 turns.