Venom [Web Guardian Grey Leadership]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NoobsNnerds · 2

Flash Thompson Venom is one of my favourite heroes and yet, I've never tried them in Leadership.

I tried a Suit Up build with Yondu and a bunch of Guardian allies but I couldnt help but feel that Venom is the true strength, so I tossed that idea to simply focus on getting venom buff and readied.

Major Victory and Gamora are probably the two key allies here, as well as a couple of Morale Boost and R&D Facility. If you can get his guns out in a turn with Morale Boost, R&D Facility, and Run and Gun, that's 12 damage just from his basic attack, let alone the other 4 for his multi-gun. Luck depending, that's usually enough to KO a villain in one turn.

I play 2 handed but find this deck is pretty solid even solo.