Scheme League Season 5-Campaign Draft- CA- Aggro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4787

Hello Champions! I have 2 builds I’ll be throwing up together. For The Side Scheme Podcast, if you didn’t know. We have been running a draft league. This season, for the Red Skull Box we did a campaign draft. We drafted one hero and 2 aspects and then each person was allowed to select either hawkeye or spider woman to be their second hero in a 2 handed or 2 player set up and play through the campaign on expert. I drafted Aggression and Protection as my aspects along with Captain America as my hero and decided to pair him with Spider-Woman. I ended up going 5-0 in the campaign. so here’s the captain America deck:

So like most aggro decks the object here was to do as much damage as possible. with cap guaranteeing a reset every round it makes that pretty manageable.

Allies: -Lockjaw, he’s great with the ally reduction, and of played from the discard with the discount he’s essentially a 2 cost ally -mockingbird, what can I say, free stun when coming into play -brawn is the best aggro ally in the game.

  • Tigra is a great ally for eating minions -War Machine is a good 4 cost with toughness

events: -Drop kick for a stun and a card draw almost guaranteed with marial prowess and SS serum. love the card draw. -piercing strike I wanted to try and it came in handy vs Zola for sure -skilled strike, used over mean swing because only having one weapon I wasn’t sure how reliable mean swing would be, skilled strike worked fine

Upgrades: -combat training, guaranteed 6 dmg a round at minimum with cap -counter attack- thins the deck and dealing some dmg back is always nice, would probably drop this in the future since I got so much def from spider woman and defending I didn’t take much except when red skull had retaliate 2 -martial prowess, plenty of events to pay for and drop kick alone makes this worth it -jarnbjorn is a solid upgrade for free damage

like I said I paired this with spider woman protection/aggro and that deck can be found here: