A Song of Steel, Ice, Flesh, and Blood

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
A Song of Steel, Ice, Flesh, and Blood 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

MTJ33761 · 1

This is an original deck that I built to complement my Colossus Justice deck (https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/41278/a-song-of-steel-ice-flesh-and-blood-1.0). This deck is also meant to be played with two other decks that I am working on right now (red Wolverine and blue Rogue--coming very soon).

Bobby doesn't do too well thwarting until he gets Ice Slide. He also doesn't have great draw power without Cryokinetic Perception. Since this is a deck that is meant to be played alongside the yellow Colossus deck I created (or the other 2), Iceman can rely on Colossus's Superpower Training for finding Cryokinetic Perception or Ice Slide, which then helps Iceman thwart better and draw some cards. Because this is a deck all about not taking damage, I've also included Unflappable, which will further help Bobby draw cards he needs. To further help with Bobby's stats (or Colossus'), I've included Specialized Training which will then help us pull out a +1 THW for him if we need it. That takes care of THW and card draw.

Allies included help with soaking up damage and granting tough status. Angel's Aerie and Render Medical Aid are here to help when our characters need healing, as is What Doesn't Kill Me. Because Cryokinetic is the only card that readies Bobby, I've included Indomitable, What Doesn't Kill Me, and Desperate Defense, which also ensure he can ready a lot. Nerves of Steel helps pay for Anticipated Attack when we don't draw Polaris, but it also helps pay for Jump Flip and Not Today! both of which remove 2 threat each from a scheme...and since we can play multiple defense cards, we can first play Anticipated Attack (or Powerful Punch can be swapped in), then play Jump Flip or Not Today!, and remove threat! Or, we can play Not Today! and Preemptive, prevent damage, remove threat, and do damage back to the Villain all at once. Bait and Switch is in there for threat removal until we set up, and Armored Vest brings us up to base 3 DEF. Finally, Hard to Ignore helps remove a little extra threat after the Villain Phase is over if we've successfully prevented all damage.