King of Hearts

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Gambit aggro 0 0 0 1.0

Cewk · 51

King of Hearts <3

mon amour

Eventful Gambit: This deck mainly focuses on the uses of events to do damage, while being able to manage threat while in Gambit's AE form.

(This is the first version of the deck so bear with me)

Main strategy:

  • The main thing here is try and change form every round, using Charge de Card while in Hero form, and Thief Extraordinaire while in AE form.
  • We want to exhaust our Identity most of the time in Alter Ego form, to recover or to remove threat from a scheme with Thief Extraordinaire. We do this while we wait to have enough charge counters on Gambit to spend them and do BIG damage.
  • During our first turns we want to try and setup a couple of cards, Moira MacTaggert, X-Mansion and X-Gene are our priority, they are very useful and not very expensive cards to play. Then The Thieves Guild and Gambit's Guild Armor are next in priority, while Combat Training and Gambit's Staff come last since all they do is boost our damage output. Gambit is not a heavy setup character, so if you are having a hard time at the beggining of a game because of the luck of the draw, you can still defend playing events and build up slowly after you have a better control of the situation.
  • We want to keep the threat level on the main scheme as lowest as possible as we gather charge counters, so how do we achieve this? To help us out we have Professor X (3 Thwart and confuse), Creole Charmer (also 3 Thwart and confuse), our AE ability and The Thieves Guild, all playable while in AE form. And to help us a little more in turns when we need to get rid of some pesky minion bothering us, we have one copy of Into the Fray, which can be boosted up to 10-13 damage if needed, that most of the time means at least 5-8 threat removed.
  • Try to always have at least 3 charges available, having this meany charges mean you can always defend yourself for 7 when using Natural Agility Your charges are very valuable, use them
  • For most characters cards like Aggressive Energy, Warrior Skill and Keep Up the Pressure mean 1-2 more damage overall, but Gambit is not like other characters. With cards that hit more that once like Royal Flush and the ability to "charge" your cards and increase their damage, he can dish out up to 21 damage with "one card".
  • Most of the time in this game I recommend spending every card you have in your hand each round, even discarding if you see no use for them, but with Gambit it is a bit different. When you have pieces of a combo, for example 2 Aggressive Energy but no attack event to play that turn, more often than not, it is better to hold them and spend them in a big and explosive next turn.

Now let's talk about card combos:

  • Like a mentioned before, this deck is all about spending cards and charges to boost other attack events and deal tons of damage. Aggressive Energy gives more damage to any attack event, similar to Gambit's ability. Warrior Skill is similar but it is even better becasuse it also works with basic attacks AND you can do it on the same turn you use it for an event, since you don't need to exhaust it. Adding it up, this means that with 1 Aggressive Energy, 3 charges from Gambit and 1 charge from Warrior Skill you are dealing an additional 5 damage with any event you play, and you will be doing this pretty consistently, trust me.
  • The last card that can boost your attacks is Keep Up the Pressure, this card is so good with Gambit that it need its own section. This side-scheme does not only boost every attack event you play for the phase by 1, but it also allows you to search your deck and discard pile for any attack event and adds it to your hand. This means you guarantee it dealing 3 extra damage if you get Royal Flush with this, 6 extra damage if you manage to play your second Royal Flush. And all that only for a 0 cost card that only requires you to thwart for 2, something very easily done with Gambit. In multiplayer, this also gets attack events for your teammates and buff their attacks. Have into consideration when playing this card that it is a one-time thing, a silver bullet (card), you can play it and keep it in play as a "setup card", and defeat it the turn that you know are going to burst damage the villain.
  • Moment of Triumph is here to help you against villains that are not so schemy, but punch really hard. It synergises with Charged Card and Into the Fray, adding the regular 5 damage to this attack events, means you get to heal yourself at the same time you defeat a minion, AND you get to choose if you want to deal the excess damage to the Villain or remove some threat for the main scheme afterwards as an extra.
  • One by One is here to help us against scenarios heavy on minions. Since it does damage twice, you damage amplification also doubles, with a +5 you will be dealing 7 damage to two diferent targets.
  • Mean Swing is our last damage-dealing card. You cannot spend charges on this card, and neither can you buff it with Aggressive Energy, but its cheap and it makes our Gambit's Staff less bad I think is worth it, plus it helps us a little adding some energy to our deck. Combined with Combat Training and Warrior Skill, Gambit can deal 7 damage with a basic attack when needed.
  • Mutant Education helps you by thining your deck, puts 2 of your key cards into your deck again, and it pays itself if you have X-Mansion out. Depending on the situation you may grab Royal Flush for the combo damage, Natural Agility if you need survivability, or Creole Charmer if you need to lower the threat. When in doubt, you can never go wrong choosing Molecular Acceleration.
  • Natural A[](/card/19030)gility lets you take a big hit without receiving damage and Gambit's Guild Armor readies you afterwards.
  • Beauty and the Thief if you have Rogue in play of course. I do not recommend boosting this card with charges, but you can do it in times of need.

If you give it a try, let me know your thoughts, hope it works well for you as it does for me :)