Captain America Aggression Gladiator Deck V2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MrL1 · 17

Welcome to Mr. Lee's Deck Lab!

I made V1 and it was more of a blitz deck. I decided to make an upgrade V2 deck focused on a bit of a setup. V1 had the foundations I was looking for and now I'm trying to make some tweaks here and there. This deck, I'm trying for more board stabilization setup. Get resource generators, throw down an Avenger ally on the board, then things will start lining up. Made some subtle changes for solo play. I am always thinking of different ways to approach the game. This is still a work in progress deck and it is tailored to my play style.

Resource Generators:

Avengers Mansion: Card draw for Cap for " ICDTAD". More cards the better to dump a card you don't need at the moment for ICDTAD. Must card for Cap personally.

Helicarrier: Traded this out for Avenger Tower. I think there is more value for HC. It can act as Avengers Tower by the discount but minus the ally limit. So I tried out some simulations and having 4 Avengers allies on the field is unlikely because the primary focus on a bit of setup and go playstyle.

Personal Note:

Didn't include martial prowess because of 1 drop kick in my deck. I figured I go for 2 SSS and obtaining a 3rd resource would be highly feasible through my hand draw (Over 50% of my hand is physical resources).

Aggression Cards:

1x Drop kick= I keep going back and forth on this one. There is already 3 heroic strikes plus mocking bird (LL cost discount) and 1 Drop kick, so that's a total of 5 stuns already. I tried out some simulations. You can go couple ways, on what you want to achieve. I been working on this deck out for couple days now and ran multiple scenarios. Came to a conclusion with LL discount w/Mockingbird you can omit 1 Drop Kick.

Skilled Strike= Staple card for me

Mean Swing=Staple for Jarnbjorn

Toe to Toe= Personally I love this card. Low cost for high risk reward and I think it fits the aggression theme perfectly. Also Cap has ways to mitigate the dmg.

Counter Attack- Low cost and a staple card for me.

Jarnbjorn- Can't be a Gladiator without a weapon. Also staple for Mean Swing.

2x Press the Advantage- I think its more achievable after you get everything setup so you can time it with Mockingbird, Heroic Strike, or Drop Kick. Still testing PtA. Not entirely won over on this card yet because of setup. Will mull this over a bit more.


Sentry- Take an extra encounter card to have him dish out 3 dmg or 2 twt for 1 consequential 1 dmg is good to me.

Spider-girl- Low Cost

She-Hulk- I regularly swap out She-Hulk for Valkyrie. Your choice.

EMH-3 Ally Avenger's in the deck so EMH can be setup. EMH is here to stay in my deck. Too good of a card.

Final thoughts:

There are so many cards and you can literally go either way depending on your play style. Overall, I am still thinking of different ways to approach Cap/Aggression. This deck is tailored to my playstyle and will keep trying new cards/combinations out. In the mean time, Keep building!
