Spider-Man, New Leader of Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

F1D · 32

"Avengers, Assemble!" -Spider-Man, probably, if he lead the Avengers on the campaign fight against the Sinister Motives of the Sinister Six.

I built this deck looking to take advantage of Sidekick, looking to see if I can take Black Cat to the next level as she would become the Co-Captain of the Avengers if I had Honorary Avenger, (which I would add, but I am still waiting for Captain America to come in). This deck helped me through our three player campaign as setting up Black Cat early with Suit Up, unless you needed to grab a minion killer like Hawkeye with Inspired.

You have plenty of resource makers that should be able to play most cards with Quincarrier, Web-Shooter, and I really enjoyed Ingenuity when I had to flip to Alter-ego waiting for me to throw down to team up with Quincarrier. I ended up getting Propulsion Gauntlet as my S.H.I.E.L.D Tech, and it really paired well with being able to buff up Spider Man or doing extra damage with Backflip being the MVP during the Venom scenario.

All in all, building a deck mainly based around Avengers in the Sinister Motives campaign while my partners were Ghost-Spider and Peni Parker with their own Web-Warrior theme, we were able to take out the Standard Campaign over two days (with breaks in between and work).