Cyclops Red Team

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

felixjr · 15

Note: I play multiplayer. This is just the funnest way I could think of to play an aggro Cyke deck. I picture him losing faith and "Going Red" with his team, using his allies and tactics as resources and weapons.

Trying to slim down the Red Team. I've got it down to 40 cards. I guess you flex the mutants that you want. Forge to try to get cerebro/danger room/xmansion going. Beast for a resource, Colossus, Wolverine, and Rockslidefor Att 3. Professor X, Legion for Psionics to help you find the other mutants.

The funny part of the deck are the Mutant Education, X-Men Instruction and their interaction with X-Mansion.

And once it's setup? Mansion keeps Wolverine going indefinitely. You rotate through the other two ally slots with Phoenixto get you Full Blastor something as needed.

It's just fun pushing the xmen as pawns to just deal damage. None of that weird lateral thinking you have to do with a swiss army cyclops leadership deck. Just shuffle cards from discard into your deck, draw off the top. Replace allies with Attack TRaining (which should always be available unless something weird like ultron drones happens)


Jun 14, 2024 Daring Lime · 1594

I like the theme of the corrupted cyclops lol Leaning into wolverine with x-mansion is fun too!

Jun 15, 2024 felixjr · 15

My favorite card is X-Men Instruction for the Wolverine lecturing art.

Jun 16, 2024 dr00 · 43744

Boot Camp seems like a no-brainer with Cyclops. is there any thought to bringing extra copies so you get it down early enough and potentially give to other players?

Jun 16, 2024 felixjr · 15

Team Red Cyclops isn't very generous.

Honestly I feel like I burn my whole hand just trying to get everything online. Extra boot camps, while nice, isn't my priority. Mansion, cerebro, danger room fuels your machine. Boot camp is icing.

But I've been playing all of two months so...