Drax "Tank and Spank" with Mantis Sidekick Healer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Drax y una ambulancia llamada Mantis 0 0 0 1.0
copy of Drax "Tank and Spank" with Mantis Sidekick Healer 0 0 0 1.0

Phantom Samurai (Rob) · 86

This deck is pretty straight forward with Mantis being the core card to get into play which is why there are 3 Suit-up's. Once Mantis is out, Drax will get constant heals and be able to stay with 3 vengeance tokens mostly dealing consistent base 4 dmg and drawing a card. With full Drax upgrades he becomes a real beast. (I basic defend the first 1-2 villain attacks to get Vengeance tokens which will save Mantis some work in the beginning)

Command Team allows some extra heals from Mantis and allows Fury/Prof X to get max value (They are also mid to late game allies).

First Aid allows Mantis to get an additional 6 healing. Side by side gets drax a total of 4 heals and a ready.

Some upgrades are included that allows Mantis to thwart as well which is the only weakness this deck has against villains like Magneto and Venom Goblin.

Sideboard: 1) CITT 2) The Power in all of US 3) The power of Leadership 4) Innovation 5) Gamora

Limitless Stamina is great but mid-late game with CITT. So if you want a faster set-up you can replace these with resource cards, but they're great in multiplayer for high dmg output.

Had a blast with this deck and works really well in multiplayer allowing me to heal my teammates too. It might even be worth it to go into Alter Ego to get Mantis some extra health to heal your teammates.

Special thanks to MegiDoladyne and Journeyman2 for some Drax help!


May 28, 2024 mv2392 · 102

Nice, Drax has been on my short list of characters to try with Sidekick but haven't gotten around to it. Great inspiration!