Sticky situation

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wickedpedia · 1

This deck is my first published one in general, but also my first tested deck with the new iceman aggression cards themed around upgrade attachments to enemies .

This in my opinion should be alot better in multiplayer, but I've only tested it solo . the style of deck leans into genius and what I call Attach attack (new style from iceman ) . webbed up and tracer both qualify for use with attach attack , however there aren't many upgrades you can attach to the villain yet , but using marked on weak minions helps use take that ! to help with it . I believe in theory the other two attach and Attack decks , Valkyrie and rogue , will work alot better for consistency, with rogue theoretically being better . the genius side I use to assist with the build, using ingenuity, moon girl and honed technique to great affect . this combo allows melee to really shine if a minion has the marked upgrade , I was able to get 10 damage in with it ! what happens is the damage from melee is boosted by honed to make it a 6 hit to 2 different targets. but if a minion has marked , you can overkill that 6 into the villain , and still hit him for 6 more ! its synergies like this that really make me love this game . during testing I realized thwarting was my biggest struggle, so I leaned a little bit into grey cards for help, to the rescue is great .miles Morales is a flood flexible ally for what ever you need in the moment. after discovering the venom from the campaign box is useable outside of it , he proved very helpful. his ability to punish surging and add more encounter cards was great . I only really want extra encounter cards because it helps get those minions I need .