Black Cat Takes Out The Trash

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

waltercardcollector · 28

The goal of this deck is to make Black Cat an Avenger with Honorary Avenger, then load her up with all the ally-specific upgrades that you can. Upgrades that let an ally attack again, increase its ATK or do extra things when it attacks are especially powerful with Black Cat because she takes no consequential damage when attacking, but most if not all of these upgrades are restricted to Avengers. However, all you have to do is put Honorary Avenger on her and you can load her up with all the upgrades you want.

That's basically it, but here are some other notes:

  • Ronin and Iron Man are backup allies in case you draw them before Black Cat, and they help you make use of all your duplicate upgrades because they all say "limit 1 per ally." They're already Avengers but throwing on an Honorary Avenger will still increase their HP by 1 and in Ronin's case is the cheapest upgrade that activates Ronin's boost.
  • Reinforced Suit is low priority for Black Cat but high priority for your other allies.
  • Moon Girl can be paid for with Peter Parker's Scientist ability. If you have a spare Reinforced Suit, you can get an extra use out of her.
  • Note that Moon Girl and Ingenuity can only be played when you are in alter ego form because they both need the Genius trait and Honorary Avenger and Quincarrier can only be played in hero form because they both need the Avenger trait. Make sure to sequence your plays correctly!
  • In multiplayer, don't be afraid to throw your duplicate upgrades onto other players' allies, especially if you've drawn nothing but upgrades and resource cards.

Feedback welcome!

Note: I know Sidekick/Side-by-Side and Suit Up would work really well in this build, but I don't own Age of Apocalypse yet lol.