Doctor Strange "Tough Enough" Heroic Ally Swarm 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Doctor Strange "Tough Enough" Heroic Ally Swarm 1522 1251 43 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

radkon · 7

45 cards, because rules are made to be broken!

I know, I know, the standard rule is 40 cards, but this deck just works for me! It's beaten Rhino Expert and Klaw (Expert) and The Hood with Standard II.
So why mess with success, am I right? But if you're really itching to trim it down, you can take out:

  • [War Machine](/card/01030) or [Goliath](/card/23015)
  • 1x [Team-Building Exercise](/card/12024)
  • [Quincarrier](/card/08023) or [Avengers Mansion](/card/01091) (I just like having more resources)
  • [Call for Backup](/card/40018)
  • [Last Stand](/card/15029)
Easy peasy!

Mulligan like a boss

When you're mulliganing, make sure to keep your eyes peeled for [Wong](/card/09002) and [Sidekick](/card/45015)/[Honorary Avenger](/card/03025). They're your bread and butter!

How to play like a superhero

As mag says, "The purpose of this deck is to shore up Doctor Strange's strengths with tons of allies to block for him: allowing him to stay in hero form all game and use Wong to cycle cards for him (read: you never have to swap to alter-ego)."
So get Wong out there, make him an Avenger, and play alllll the Avengers you need! With a little luck, you might even be able to play [Captain America](/card/21011) for free (just need 4 Avengers Allies and [Stinger](/card/12014) and [Avengers Tower](/card/03024)- piece of cake!)
And don't forget to play the top 2 ([Cloak of Levitation](/card/09009)) or even the top three cards from your invocation deck with the help of [Earth's Mightiest Heroes](/card/04022)/[Side-by-Side](/card/45016)/[Master of the Mystic Arts](/card/09005). Boom, you're a superhero! (And the villain down).
Usually, I let [Doctor Strange](/card/09001a) take the first hit so I can attack or thwart with my first ally. Of course, he can take a hit or two, so it's not a big deal. We're all friends here!