Gambit - One by One

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RogueSquadron · 155

Tested against multiple Expert VIllains. Holds up well and is fun to play.

Use Melee and One by One with Gambit's charge counters to do amazing damage. Melee using just 3 charge counters does 12 damage to the villain or 6 damage to two targets. One by One is super cheap and can be used to great effect if there is a minion. Test the Defense and Warrior Skill help add even more damage to support your cards. Warrior Skill is great with One by One, and Melee as well.

The allies in this deck help handle a variety of problems, and you just need to use them as needed to solver them. Psylocke can help thwart or confuse in a pinch when you need to flip to heal. There is enough confusion in this deck to allow you to flip and heal when needed. Since you will mostly be using attack cards to attack with you will be able to heal for 6 over two turns if needed before flipping back.

Martial Prowess, Deft Focus, X-Gene, and The X-Jet provide a crazy amount of resources to fuel your hand play.

If you need healing, you can use Moment of Triumph on a turn you blow your Charged Counters with Charged Card and do Overkill with 7+ damage (8 if Warrior Skill).

Recycle your Melee and One by One with Assault Training. It is the gift that keeps on giving.

Super fun, one of my favorite Aggression decks to use against Expert solo.