Bishop & The Pawns (Ally Focused)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bsj06a · 758

This is the deck I played through the Age of Apocalypse box, to great success. As people have been noticing, Bishop isn't just very different from every hero we've seen so far, but is actually very powerful as well. This deck looks more to abuse Bishop's economy than his upgrades, although of course his upgrades are still phenomenal.

My approach here was to make the most of his resources while trying to avoid the potential downside of flooding out with resources. Lockjaw of course is a Bishop staple for this reason. We are running the classics in Nick Fury/Maria Hill/Ironheart/White Tiger as options to draw more cards to help prevent flood, Domino gives you some filtering. Flipping to alter ego is often flood insurance as long as you have Malcolm or Randall in your discard pile.

A late inclusion was the Med Lab. I had been playing a Down Time and realized I was never actually using it, and wanted more flood insurance, and had the thought that maybe it could finally be a deck where Med Lab could actually be useful. Bishop's allies often end up being defeated from consequential damage, since Bishop is usually looking to take the hits himself, so they can pretty easily end up as options for Med Lab, especially Malcolm and Randall, who you can get to consequential pretty fast (those two are so good with Effective Leadership as well). Having a 3-4 cost ally stored in the Med Lab gives great flexibility for those turns where you just have more resources than you know what do do with, which often comes after a mid-late deck Energy Conversion. It's still a pretty slow card, but because your allies are always coming and going you pretty much always have an option to put someone in there.

So that's that, a fun deck that also plays very well. I'd love to hear what people think, I hope some people give it a shot and love it!