Bishop - Noms and Bombs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 629

I’m not going to provide a super long description because this deck is simple, straightforward, and effective.

You’ve got your “noms” which are the 13 resource cards. Use these to feed your other cards.

That’s your bombs. These are high cost cards that provide spectacular results.

Normally having this many high cost cards in a deck means you have to waste efficiency not playing cards, but not with all the nomming that you’ll be doing.

So why is it 13 resource cards? That’s about 1/3 of the deck. The way I figure it you’ll want your average hand to be 6 cards, with 2 or 3 resources and 3-4 options to play. So the average 5 card hand will be 1-2 resources, and 3-4 cards. When you take your hit on the Villain phase you’ll likely pick up at least 1 if not 2 resources depending on the damage you take. Keep in mind this is random, but we are speaking of the averages.

Solo players, and people with friends who don’t bring side schemes, you will want to add Superpower Training so you can get Bishop's Uniform out because this deck doesn’t provide much chump blocking.