Bishop Swims the Timestream and ends up in the Pool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nezumi · 15

First up, I play almost exclusively 4 player games so I build my decks with a long game in mind. I cannot say if any of this works for single or 2 player games.

Secondly, I do not yet have AoA so this has been put together and published untested.

The first thing I saw with Bishop is how many times you may have a hand full of resources with little or nothing to spend them on so my mind went straight to the Pool Aspect and the cards Blackout Tic-Tac-Toe and Stick-To-Itiveness, all cards which require a discard from hand to get a minor effect. Add to that the Basic cards Lockjaw, Plan B and Machine Man and even if your entire draw hand is Resources, you will have something to spend them on.

As I said, this deck is untested and is more out there as I hadn't seen anyone use the Pool Aspect for Bishop yet.

Edit, I completely forgot about Mulligan. This is a card which must be here.

+3 Mulligan

-1 Angel