Thor and Lady Sif go clubbin'!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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turtles04 · 750

Thor and Lady Sif go clubbin'!

I'll get right to the point,

Make Lady Sif your Sidekick! Thor has a high enough health pool where he can take some hits while getting set up. Look for Lady Sif with Call for backup, Make the call, "For Asgard!" to grab her if need be or even the bifrost! Attach sidekick to her as well as Reinforced suit.

Once Lady Sif is in play Thor has a reliable way to Thwart and deal even MORE damage.

There's also

2 copies of Side by Side to heal or ready.

2 copies of lead from the front to increase stats

and finish the villain off with Teamwork!

Plenty of energy resources too to trigger big Lightning strikes!


Mar 30, 2024 boothwah · 81

I like it. Have you tried Ronin in it? He might be a good swap for Hawkeye, and he likes the suit, too, and can thwart.

May 17, 2024 turtles04 · 750

Hey! I haven't. Who/what would you swap out? That's a good suggestion just not sure what to cut. Deck is pretty tight.