
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

A_Sirius · 50

This is a deck for our MC gathering... I will also play it on 4th March Night with a friend on TS.

The power of Regroup is immense in Multiplayer games...Not only you use allies to protect your teammates...your teammates can also protect you especially in the first 2 rounds when you are setting up your force.

By the rule nowadays...if you have a cannot gain one more... and do not need to use the hero power to discard Unyielding Persistence,which means keeps +1Atk&Thw and Stalwart!!:3

I love both sisters... therefore I put Med Lab and Daughters of Thanos to keep them work together.

From the Nemesis set...there is a sword called Lethal Weapon that requires to give Gamora ...not written as "Enemy" one ... attach it to ally one or even the Hero one is legal!!