Beginner's Build For Wanda

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GhostWithKnife · 70

This deck is designed for people who haven't played Wanda to have something to upgrade off of right after picking her up. The goal of this is to explain why Wanda is good, and offer cards that help mitigate her (very few) shortcomings.

So, you picked up Wanda and are a bit confused why everyone says she's so good. The best place to explain is with Wanda's own kit. Her base ability allows you to cheat potentially dangerous boosts by discarding them and gambling on another one. Was that a boost for 3? Wanda says no, and now it's a zero boost. This is Wanda's general theme: boost icon shenanigans. cards like Hex Bolt are your bread and butter, and the cards that will eventually win you the game. Scarlet Witch's Crest makes your base ability and your bolts/Decay spells even more dangerous, and is a priority to get on board.

So, since we know how we plan on winning (Bolt spam go BRRRRR) how do we get there? The simple answer is that we plan on stalling the game by controlling the main scheme. Wanda comes with a 2 thwart, and pairs very well with Justice because of her kit. Not only do we control boosts (which gives us survivability) but by using Yellow we control the scheme so it never pops. Cards like Multitasking and Impede are great at this, while most of our allies help by having strong Thwart and a variety of abilities that generally help us. Professor X is a great example, confusing the Villain and thwarting for 3! Eventually, when we do whittle the schemes down, Turn the Tide can help us start chipping away at the villain until the problem is solved! To make things even easier The Sorcerer Supreme gives us a bigger hand size to help us get to our Bolts, as well as Spiritual Meditation and Wanda's Alter Ego ability!!!

So, what are our weakpoints? Most of the time, minions are something we struggle with. While Molecular Decay is fantastic for making them go away, we have a limited number of them. To help mitigate this, we bring minion support. Beat Cop helps mitigate threat and can help clear out minions, while Quake can punish minions that thwart alongside the villain. If we can't clear out all the minions, don't worry! You can use your allies as shields while you dig for an answer!