One Hot guy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mrben · 7

This deck was built for Scheme League. As such it is designed to do one thing in a pretty targeted manner. Playing solo you will have issues with clearing threat, but the intent is for your teammate to be the threat machine while you deal tremendous damage. This is still kind of being tweaked, Quincarrier and Mansion may need to go as it's a but expense for how the deck wants to operate. Ideally you will never attack with your allies. They simply defend and exhaust to EMH to get multiple swings out of Hawkeye.

Mulligan super hard for the Quiver and don't feel the need to use arrows in the quiver every turn. It is fine to let them build up in there for big burst turns where you fire off several arrows using EMH to ready Hawkeye and Hawkeye to ready your bow.


Sep 09, 2020 KennedyHawk · 17983

This title gets me. 5 stars