Spider-Woman Control Stun/Confuse Lock (Prot/just)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nikkapo · 1

The 4 Defendes in one deck. And a lot of villain control, with 3 card with confusion, 5 with stun and 2 with both. Counter-punch is a tech, in the right moment let you defend and attack for 4.


Sep 08, 2020 Remedy · 3927

Love the defenders theme! This game just keeps on giving great opportunities for matching theme and mechanics! Keen to give this one a go this weekend! Cheers for the list :)

Sep 08, 2020 nikkapo · 1

Thanks, let me know. I started with the theme, and added the control mechanic. I changed the deck a few after the Red Skull campaign, removing 3 cost cards like medic team and beat cop, and keep it cheaper: you need 3/4 cards to constantly stun/confuse. Clear the area is a lot of time a 0 cost, night nurse is tematic, and also remove annoing stun and confusion, momentum shift is a cost 2 heal that help manage enemies.