With great allies comes great victories

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zabimaroux · 1

Been trying to build the ultimate ally hero and who better then someone who can use 2 aspects worth of allies.

This build shines more mid to late game so having a parnter to help out in the early phase definitly helps.

The goal of the build is to slowly get your resources going and try to take down minions, thwart and not lose to much health and use allies as meat shield if needed. Don't worry about the bosses hp

work on getting your basic cards out and the passive buff such as mighty avengers, team training and boot camp.

and once your board is set, start pumping them allies, most of them will do 4dmg per attack and you can have easily 4 up and 5 with stinger, and do like 20 dmg a turn. with lots of protections.

things i've notice and still trying to improve is the thwart can be tricky to handle at first, which having a duo solves

debating to reduce power of aggression and leadership to one ea but still testing.

but yeah overall a fun build for those you like slow control style decks with big rewards at the end.

Feel free to add any recomendations on improving the build!