Spider-Woman Assembling the Aggressors!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CRISISAngel · 52

This is the first thing I wanted to try with Spider-Woman and I of course have many more ideas to try out.

The list is a bit buggy, and much larger than I would typically like a deck to be, but it seems like that's always gonna be the case with Spider-Woman.

The logic for this deck stemmed from co-op games where I would play leadership and always make the call for my agression players' allies instead, because their avengers are just so powerful.

Getting 3 aggression avengers (plus Captain Marvel!!) with some Team-Building Exercise and Sky Cycle, then using an Avengers Assemble! annihilated the villain instantly. Felt great. Would recommend. Jessica Drew's Apartment being able to grab a "Power of" is also insanely helpful just fyi.

I also tried to try new things in general with this list, testing the newer cards like Sky Cycle and Earth's Mightiest Heroes instead of tried and true things like Make the Call. I also tried Skilled Strike, the idea being if it's the first aggression card I've played this turn then it actually gives Spider-Woman +3 attack. This notion of having some lower cost aspect cards will be carried forward when I try other combos and hlep me consider cards I haven't used before (like Counter-Punch).

I think the deck could be refined, trying different 1 of's from aggression, and playing around with which Leadership cards to use. (I found myself struggling to cut down the Leadership cards and to get enough Aggressions).

I love the premise of this hero and the change in deckbuilding dynamics so I'm very keen to show off this and other builds I come up with.