Hawkeye - High Damage Arrows

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet


Directed Force gives Hawkeye a real damage boost to his arrows. This is an attempt to capitalize on it.

Aggressive Energy, Directed Force, Sharpshooter, and Warrior Skill can all combine to increase an arrow's damage by up to 5. In addition to its other bonuses.

Superpower Training is there to help him fish out his quiver more quickly.

Piercing Strike and Relentless Assault both provide other opportunities for using all of your arrow damage boosting cards.

Psylocke can buy you time to flip down to heal as well as setting up another couple of points of damage for Sonic Arrow. Throg can take at least one, and maybe two hits for you. Psylocke can take one as well when she's done confusing.

Mockingbird may have a hard time getting repeatedly back into play as you will be spending a lot on arrows, unless you get your Expert Marksman and Helicarrier into play.

I think this deck is better for multiplayer than solo, but could still pull off wins against the right opponents solo. You are going to want to go for a quick win, as this deck has limited options for dealing with threat.


Morlock Siege - Standard, Marauders, Osborn Tech - 2 player with Valkyrie (Decklist: Air Force Redux)


Nov 13, 2023 DamtheMan50 · 1

Do you find 3x Piercing Strike (2-cost after all) and 3x Relentless Assault (minions only) that useful/necessary? When I've played Hawkeye have found paying for stuff main culprit for not getting full value, so I've been running Martial Prowess for Aggression (maybe drop one Warrior Skill?). MP would thin out the deck by one since it's an Upgrade and sticks around, making it easier to fish out those arrows you're ultimately looking as your main damage output. While he doesn't have a lot of confuse/stun, Press the Advantage would only 1-cost and give a draw for a confused/stunned target while Precision Strike would be another 1-cost with chance for little healing (I see you have Endurance, not sure how much dmg you're eating in general) while both of them would lower the cost curve just a tad. At least for multiplayer, for solo you're probably needing to rush like you say.

Nov 14, 2023 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 739

The main purpose of Piercing Strike and Relentless Assault is that they work with Directed Force. While Press the Advantage and Precision Strike would not. Relentless assault benefiting from overkill and +2 damage (potentially more) can result in some nice spillover onto the villain. However, this assumes that there will be regular minions. For low minion games, it would be wise to sub out. Piercing strike offers less benefit if there is not a lot of villain tough and could be subbed out as well. Either could be toned down to one or two copies and add in some more versatility. But as it stands, it allows you to blow through minions and tough to quickly wear down the villain.