Spider-Woman - Leadership/Justice - Call and Response

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ExquisiteFirecraft · 50

This is my "Budget" Spider-Woman deck. It only requires the Core, RoRS, and 1 more hero pack (Black Widow).

I've discussed some of the themes on reddit...

A Spider-Woman Deck-Building Guide - Pt. 1

A Spider-Woman Deck-Building Guide - Pt. 2

There are lots of powerful ways to play Leadership. I’ve labeled my favorite “Call and Response.” It’s any Leadership deck with 3 Make The Call and 3 Rapid Response. This fits perfectly in a 2-aspect deck for Spider-Woman.

With the Call and Response strategy you Make the Call to get exactly the ally (and their ETB effect) you need. Then you keep recurring it with Rapid Response and/or Make the Call.

Card Discussion


This is Spider-Woman's best hero card. I play it every time I get it, and I often use card draw to find it more frequently.

Agent Coulson

I typically grab Rapid Response when he enters play but you can grab Spycraft as well.


Great if you have a small minion heavy encounter

Captain Marvel / Nick Fury

Both are great value and help to draw more cards (typically to find Pheromones). With Nick Fury you usually draw 3 cards unless 4 damage will end the game. With Captain Marvel, consider waiting a turn to activate her, since you will likely have few cards in hand after playing her and an extra card is worth more with a full hand.

If you play either of them from a Make the Call (an aspect card), then it will still trigger Spider-Woman's passive ability even though they are not aspect cards themselves.


You can get this from Coulson. Spider-Woman is a Spy in both forms so she can use it anytime. Its a great card that allows you a second chance when you draw one of the most difficult cards in the encounter deck (Shadow of the Past, Advance, Masterplan, anything in Kree Fanatic, and side schemes that also bring in a villain: The Masters of Evil, Legions of Hydra, The Doomsday Chair, etc..)

Flex Cards

I view Agent Coulson and Nick Fury as must includes. The other allies are up to you. Play what fits your play style, play cards you like, or optimize for the encounter you’re playing

Outside of allies, note that all of the Leadership cards (Make the Call, Rapid Response and Power of Leadership) are must include cards, so you only have flexibility with the Justice card choices. I view Clear the Area and Skilled Investigator as flex cards. I've mainly chosen these to keep the deck "Budget". Otherwise, I would always include Under Surveillance.

Avenger's Mansion is also a flex card, but it has to be replaced by another neutral card so that you have equal numbers of Leadership and Justice cards.

Coulson-Lock Combo

In terms of combos now possible with cards from two aspects, I really enjoy Agent Coulson and Rapid Response. Block with Agent Coulson, then trigger Rapid Response, which goes into discard. Agent Coulson returns to play and when he enters you grab the Rapid Response you just discarded. Play it again to rinse and repeat. It costs 2 for Rapid Response each turn for which you get 2 thwart, a chump blocker, a trigger for spider woman’s ability, and you get Rapid Response back.

Let me know if you have questions or feedback.

thanks, Ex-Firecraft