Unleash the Symbiote Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

frozenfirez · 70

Just a standard Honed Technique aggresion Nova deck but with a little twist. I've added Symbiote Suit and Sentry to help us draw more encounter cards so we have more things to blow up with Unleash Nova Force.

The deck was mainly constructed for a two player game against heroic Ultron and that game was a ton of fun.. at least for the Nova player.

I strongly suggest to try this matchup in multiplayer (the more players the better) but solo is tons of fun as well. Thank you for reading!


Sep 27, 2023 dr00 · 40466

very cool. i especially like having more than 1 copy of Honed Technique. i see so many decks just have one because 'the other copy is dead' but it can still help you pay for kickers, or even the other copy of HT, but especially important is that it lets you find it sooner.

i also really like One by One. i think i overlooked how great this is with Unleash Nova Force haha

Sep 28, 2023 frozenfirez · 70

I started as well with just one copy of Honed Technique but felt like i needed one more to find it more consistently and as you say the second copy is always good to fuel the aggresion events with its resource. One by one was super efficient against Ultron but what suprised me more was No Quarter. Hitting a drone for 6-7 damage usually got me 2-4 cards back plus a card if i had Unleash Nova Force active fueling the engine even harder, it felt really amazing!