Spider-Man and his Uncanny Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WeatherTop · 44

Psylocke is rich in Alter Ego. She can afford nice things. She can also benefit from some high efficiency cards. She can easily meet Peter Parker's cost requirement with her psi energy permanents. She can fish for Leadership Skill with her support. She can use Psychic Kicker on one of the many allies. She wants to stay in AE and set up quick for big turns. That is the main idea behind this deck. The rest of it holds some fun and simple combos. A main idea for one of those combos is that if you can pull off getting a few allies back into your hand from Regroup, flip up to hero and have 6 cards plus two resources for a big turn next.