Bucky in the Red Room

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AlphaRed · 61

A thematic deck based on Black Widow's relationship with the one and only Winter Soldier.

He's a fantastic ally with good thwart/attack base stats and hit points, and often costs you nothing to play if you get the preparation cards out quickly.

Call for Aid helps you tutor him with him being the only ally in the deck. Then you buff up Winter Soldier's stats to 5 thwart and 5 attack with Inspired, Leadership Skill and Mighty Avengers all out, meaning he can take care of anything the villain throws at you each turn.

Reinforced Suit, Inspiring Presence, Innovation and First Aid keep Bucky on the board as long as possible, but if you do find yourself losing him then Rapid Response should bring him back into play straight away.