Spider-Man Faux Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14728

My best Miles Morales deck for true solo!

Plays like leadership using cheap allies to block and control the board, but using red aspect cards specifically for the drop kicks to stunlock the villain.

Spider-Man has 4 hero cards that stun (web shot and power within) but they might not always be on hand. That’s why we added 3 drop kicks and Mockingbird doubling the access to stuns to 8 cards!

Only use double life when planning to flip back and end the turn in hero form. Based on what you need, you can thwart twice, attack twice, or mix and match with a recovery. Use Miles’ alter ego ability to put more web shots back in the deck for the stuns.

I’m not the biggest fan of rush/aggression but absolutely love leadership/control so this deck is built for my playstyle. This deck has beaten expert mode Ronan multiple times without rushing but by controlling the board and building up.

This deck runs 7 resource cards for the efficiency and wild resource icons because Miles needs consistent access to all 3 types of resources to take full benefit of his best cards.

Prioritize mulligans for Avenger’s Mansion, double resources and a stun. Then get allies out when possible and keep stunning the villain. End game we want Avenger’s Mansion, Helicarrier, Power Within or Defense Mechanism and a full 3 allies. Don’t worry about doing damage until most of your side of the board is built, although you’ll probably realize that you’ve done a lot of damage on the way with Spider-Man’s power so don’t be surprised to be on the villain’s final stage by the time you’re built up!


Oct 08, 2023 Angelssen · 1

Hey I like ur Spiderman deck so I was eager to try this one but it seems weird even for finding it fast that in the support u put 3 avengers mansion and 3 hellicarrier ? Thx !

Oct 08, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14728

@Angelssen Definitely a little bit weird looking back. My thought process at the time was prioritizing building. I find that even if I play efficient hands as Miles but am unable to get Mansion out, tough villains like Ronan can defeat me with unlucky encounter cards in the middle of the game. I also found it useful to have extra Mansions as easy mental resources to pitch for Swing In and having the Helicarriers as easy physical resources to pitch for Double Life/Dropkick. I have a play through with this deck here: youtu.be

This was my first time ever beating Ronan, but I’ve come to the realization that Miles does not fit my playstyle of building. There’s probably a better way to play him but I intuitively gravitate towards playing supports/upgrades.

Oct 08, 2023 Angelssen · 1

Y’a i am more a control guy of my self so I get it, I trying to find new hero I m a big fan of ironheart in that regard, once u are set up it’s a bit like your take on justice spidey (Parker)

Always play control in card game if I can but I own all heroes and didn’t try them all yet so I like ur playstyle for Miles

Oct 08, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14728

@AngelssenI can see Ironheart exceling in what you described! Iron Man and Star-Lord could also fit the way we like to play.

As for Miles, his hero cards are so strong and so efficient that I have trouble fitting in aspect/basic cards that I want to use with him. Because of this, I find him difficult to synergize with any aspect. If you have any ideas definitely lmk!

Dec 08, 2023 Alpo · 100

Would you consider player side scheme to get a Quincarrier? I looks very useful to have a wild resource always on the board.

Dec 08, 2023 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14728

@Alpo Oh definitely. A permanent wild resource generator would go crazy for Miles. It would be great in most scenarios, but against Ronan and the tougher villains it'll be harder for Miles to allocate thwart to a player side scheme while managing the villain's pressure. But if you can get the Quincarrier out, yes!