Stranger Danger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

brystrom · 2

My take on a Dr. Strange Aggression deck. I particularly like the interactions between Rings of Ragador and Toe to Toe. Battle Fury to ready after a Relentless Assault or Drop Kicked minion is nice when you can afford to pull off another Invocation play but the deck doesn't hinge upon being able to do so. I only included two Drop Kicks but you could easily sub an extra one in, once Martial Prowess and either the Eye, Quincarrier or Helicarrier is in play getting the stun/draw card kicker is pretty easy. Been having a lot of fun with it as it is still Dr. Strange strong but feels a bit more challenging than other Strange builds. Let me know what ya think as it's still a work in progress.