Infinite POSSEbilities v2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PaybackJack · 43

The bones of the infinite loop:

  1. Exhaust all 4 posse allies to play Strength in Numbers #1 to draw all the cards in your decks. (Strength in Numbers goes to the discard pile and is then reshuffled into your deck to create a deck of 1 card.) 2.*Attack or Thwart with Domino
  2. Play "The Posse" using (Jackpot as your resource card), Jackpot and The Posse are now the two cards in the discard pile.
  3. Attack with Outlaw triggering her ability to put the top card of the deck(Strength in Numbers) into the discard pile.
  4. Reshuffle your deck which is now three cards(Jackpot, The Posse, Strength in Numbers).
  5. Play Strength in Numbers #2 using the remaining three members of the posse
  6. Repeat from step 2

So the challenge then is getting down to where we have as few cards in our deck/discard as possible. To do this we're going to play as many cheap cards as we can. We're also going to use Domino's Hero Ability and Pip the Pug to stack her event cards onto The Painted Lady so we don't keep drawing them. At minimum you're looking at 9 cards total in hand/deck. This is not an easy number to hit given that Domino herself is going to eat up 6 of those slots with her events and resource card. And for the combo we need to spend slots on Strength in Numbers and The Posse. Theoretically, this gives us no space for extra events or resource cards however we actually do. The Painted Lady can thin our deck by three cards, Avengers Mansion will let us get another draw, and by swapping a Digging Deep from our hand with the top card of our deck and then discarding it back to our hand with her pistol/probability field that gives us another 5 slots. So really the threshold for the deck to go off is 14.

At first I did not run Make the Call because that would increase the number of events that we can't throw out on the board and thus not thin the deck, but adding in Stinger means that when we play the initial Strength in Numbers we can do it for one more than usual balances this. Similarly Maria Hill seems to be taking up deck space but given her high thwart and cheap cost, she can come out on the board and then occupy the slot in Med Bay after she's thwarted twice. Digging Deep is quite good because using Domino's hero ability+Pistol/Probability Field it can be like having an extra card in hand each turn.

How effective is this: In True solo it's difficult but that mostly hinges on Domino herself rather than the combo. Domino in leadership is not going to thwart well unless she sees Probability Field early on. In multiplayer is where this deck shines though, if you have 3 other players focusing on keeping threat off schemes, and minions off the table, while also feeding Domino via Helicarriers and Avengers Mansions this deck is ridiculous. If they want to run Build Support and Superpower Training for you, then I recommend swapping into 2 copies of Inspired as this is a good way to get some extra thwart on the board.

If you thought Go For Champions was the most broken card in the game: meet The Posse. This card will be changed to 'Limit once per turn'(maybe even once per game like Champions effectively is) after this deck sees whatever counts as competitive play, mark my words.