Venom - High Thwart

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RavenRabbit · 19

I am an inexperienced deck builder looking for advice. Also, this deck has way too many cards, but I don't feel like I can remove any.


Aug 25, 2023 supermilkboy · 70

Hey there! Great concept! There are just a few things I’d change off the bat.

You don’t necessarily need First Aid. Flash has 4REC and Project Rebirth so the extra healing is redundant.

You also don’t need any of the Enhanced Resources. Venom’s whole gimmick is to take damage and make up for any of the specific resources you might need, and the cost curve of the deck is relatively balanced.

Same comment above regarding Resourceful. Venom, Helicarrier, and the 5 resource cards should be enough to carry you through most scenarios. Once the Helicarrier is on the field, most of your cards, at least your first played after exhausting Helicarrier, will essentially become free.

I also don’t seem to understand the Honorary Guardian. There are no other synergies in the deck by using that card and the extra hit point on an ally doesn’t really justify leaving it in the deck by keeping an ally around one extra turn. You also only have two targets which makes it fairly inconsistent, and waste potentially better card draws by holding onto it in your hand until your get your combo pieces.

I think there are just one or two many Side Holsters. Pulse Grenade basically removes itself from the field freeing up the slot to play Plasma Pistol if you really need it and becoming an available target for Locked and Loaded once you’ve played all your inherent Venom weapons. I can see two Side Holsters being justifiable if you wanted to keep the Plasma Pistols in the deck; I’d take out the Pulse Grenade and third copy of Side Holster in that case.

All things considered, it should bring your deck count to 40. Good luck, and have fun!

Aug 26, 2023 RavenRabbit · 19

Thank you! Your comment is especially helpful because I'm playing it in The Mad Titan's Shadow campaign today. I'll really try to learn from this comment.