Scott Summers, Uncanny Leader

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ronin_K · 167

For most of the champions in the game, the Hero form is where they shine. After spending a lot of time with Cyclops though, I am very convinced that his Alter-Ego is where he makes his biggest impact. Scott and the X-Men support package is very consistent, and very good.

Turn 1: Mulligan aggressively for Meditation, one of the double resource cards and 1-2 supports. If you get draw into a 3-4 cost Ally, that isn't bad either. Use Scott's Constant Training to get an extra resource and you are good to go. Meditation + Constant Training gets any 1 card you want to pay for. That still leaves you with 4 cards in hand. If one of those is a double then you can start your game with 7-8 resources worth of things on the table.

Wolverine + Uncanny or Wolverine + Psylocke or Any 2-3 of the X-Men supports or Visor

Having 2 copies of Mutant Education also allows Scott the freedom to spend his Tactics as resources because you can just shuffle them back in, with the added bonus of drawing a card if you were able to set up the Mansion early.

The other uncanny thing (sorry) about this deck is the amount of draw/tutor/recursion: Scott (obviously) Beast Phoenix 2x Mutant Education Cerebro Danger Room Moira 2x Priority Target 2x Tactical Brilliance

Last couple of things: Since you will be spending so much time in Alter-Ego, Professor X and Psylocke's abilities to confuse the villain will buy a lot of time, especially early game.

Also, the combination of Effective Leadership + Uncanny + Danger Room + Mansion is why I chose Leadership over Protection.

Hope you enjoy this deck as much as I have been.


Aug 05, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: Sobrepasado
Daño: 3,3 sobre 5,0
Motor de recursos: Sobrepasado
Protección / sanación: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Motor de robo: Sobrepasado
Control y estados: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Valor global del mazo: 4,3 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: Overrun
Damage: 3,3 out of 5,0
Resource Engine: Overrun
Protection / Healing: 5,0 out of 5,0
Draw Engine: Overrun
Control and statuses: 5,0 out of 5,0
Overall deck value: 4,3 out of 5,0

Aug 06, 2023 mv2392 · 102

Why not throw in an honorary X-men so you can use X-jet and uncanny X-men in AE? Especially if using danger room.

Aug 06, 2023 Ronin_K · 167

It never really seemed needed. As I mentioned I spent most of the time in AE. I would typically only switch to Cyclops once the board was set or I absolutely had to take/deal damage.

Aug 06, 2023 mv2392 · 102

So wouldn't team training be more efficient if you just want the +1 hit point, not the cost reduction on allies?

Aug 08, 2023 Ronin_K · 167

Good point. Thanks!